  • 姓 名 :粟路军
  • 学 位 :博士
  • 职 称 :教授
  • 所属部门 :市场营销系
  • 行政职务 :
  • 研究领域 :工商管理、管理科学与工程
  • 研究方向 :市场营销、企业管理、旅游地营销与管理、旅游与社会发展、环境责任行为、幸福管理
  • 电子邮箱 : sulujunslj@163.com




粟路军,男,博士,教授(破格),博士生导师,“国家旅游业青年专家”培养计划人选,湖南省杰出青年科学基金获得者,湖南省青年骨干教师,湖南省“芙蓉学者奖励计划”青年学者,爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2020-2022,工商管理 & 管理科学与工程),入选全球前2%顶尖科学家年度科学影响力榜单(2020-2021,经济学与商学)。研究方向为旅游地营销与管理、旅游与社会发展、市场营销与消费者行为、旅游者/居民幸福感。主持湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目5项、湖南省自科重点项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项、湖南省社科基金项目4项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目等重大科研项目多项,出版学术专著1部,发表学术论文130多篇,其中SSCI来源期刊60多篇,ESI高被引前1%论文10篇和ESI0.1%热点论文3篇,Web of Science的H指数为32,ResearchGate的H指数为33,CSSCI/CSCD来源期刊20多篇,论文被引7000多次,单篇最高引用达500多次。发表在Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research等ABS四星期刊30余篇。




[2]中国博士后科学基金面上项目: 2013-2014,《旅游地社会责任对旅游者态度和行为影响机制研究》(编号:2013M531820),经费:5万元。

[3]湖南省社科基金项目: 2014-2015,《两型社会背景下的旅游地社会责任管理对策研究—以长株潭城市群为例》(编号:13YBA339),经费:1.2万元。



[6]国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划项目: 2014-2017,《旅游地社会责任:维度结构、形成机理及旅游者响应机制》(编号:TYEPT201436),经费:9万元。













[35]《How does destination crisis event type impact tourist emotion and forgiveness? The moderating role of destination crisis hository》,Tourism Management, 2023, 94, 104636. (SSCI: IF: 12.879)(First author)

[34]《How does negative destination publicity influence reisdents' shame and quality of life? The moderating role of perceived destination resilience》,Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Doi: 10.1080/09669582.2022.2108043. (SSCI, IF: 9.470)(First author)

[33]《The impact of spatial-temporal variation on tourist destination resident quality of life》,Tourism Management, 93, 1045721. (SSCI, IF: 12.879)(First author)

[32]《How do destination negative events trigger tourists' perceived betryal and boycott? The moderating role of relationship quality》,Tourism Management, 92, 104536. (SSCI, IF: 12.879)(First author)

[31]《How do tourism goal disclosure motivations drive Chinese tourists' goal-directed behaviors? The influences of feedbakc valence, affective rumination, and emotional engagement》,Tourism Management, 2022, 90, 104483. (SSCI, IF: 12.879)(First author)

[30]《The effect of destination employee service quality on tourist environmentally responsible behavior: A moderated mediation model incorporating enviornmental commitment, destination social responsibility and motive attributions》,Tourism Management, 2022, 90, 104470.(SSCI, IF: 12.879)(Corresponding author)

[29]《Does seeing deviant other-tourist behavior matter? The moderating role of travel companions》,Tourism Management,2022, 88, 104434.(SSCI, IF: 12.879)(First author)

[28]《How destination social responsibility shapes resident emotional solidaity and quality of life: Moderating roles of disclosure tone and visual messaging》,Journal of Travel Research, 2021, (SSCI: IF: 10.982), DOI: 10.1177/00472875211056683. (First author)

[27]《How tourism activity shapes travel experiene sharing: Tourist well-being and social context》,Annals of Tourism Research, 2021, 91, 103316. (SSCI, IF: 9.011) (First author)

[26]《Tourists' goal-directed behaviors: The influences of goal disclousure, goal, and temporal distance》,Journal of Travel Research, 2021, (SSCI,IF: 10.982DOI:10.1177/00472875211000446(First author)

[25]《How do group size and group familiarity influence tourst satisfaction? The mediating role of perceived value》,Journal of Travel Research, 2021, 60(8), 1821-1840. (SSCI, IF: 10.982)(First author)

[24]《Eudaimonic and hedomic well-being pattern changes: Intensity and activity》,Annals of Tourism Research, 2020, 84, 103008.(SSCI, IF:5.908)(First author)

[23]《The impact of tourism activity type on emotion and storytelling: The moderating roles of travel companion presence and relative ability》,Tourism Management, 2020, 81, 104138.(SSCI, IF:7.432)(First author)

[22]《A scale to measure resident perceptions of destination social responsibility》,Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2020, 28(6), 873-897.(SSCI, IF:3.986)(First author)

[21]《How do destination social responsibility strategies affect tourists' intention to visit? An attribution theory perspective》,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, 54, 102023. (SSCI, IF:4.219) (First author)

[20]《How do tourists' attribution of destination social responsibility motives impact trust and intention to visit? The moderating role of destination reputation》,Tourism Management, 2020, 77, 103970. (SSCI, IF:7.432) (Frist author)

[19]《The effect of personal benefits from, and support of , tourism development: The role of relational quality and quality-of-life》,Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2020, 28(3), 433-454. (SSCI, IF:3.986) (First author)

[18]From recreation to responsibility: Increasing environmentally responsible behavior in tourism,Journal of Business Research. 2020, 109, 557-573.(SSCI, IF: 4.874)(First author)

[17]Perceived corporate social responsibility’s impact on the well-being and supportive green behaviors of hotel employees: The mediating role of the employee-corporate relationship,Tourism Management, 2019, 72, 437-450.(SSCI, IF: 6.012)(First author)

[16]How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behavior? A destination resident perspective,Journal of Business Research, 2018, 86, 179-189.(SSCI, IF: 2.509)(First author)

[15]Reputation, subjective well-being, and environmental responsibility: The role of satisfaction and identification,Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2018, 26(8), 1344-1361.(SSCI, IF: 3.329)(First author)

[14]Effects of destination social responsibility and tourism impacts on residents’ support for tourism and perceived quality of life,Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2018, 42(7), 1039-1057.(SSCI, IF: 2.685)(First author)

[13]《Destination perceptions, relationship quality, and tourist environmentally responsible behavior》,Tourism Management Perspectives, 2018, 28, 93-104.(SSCI, IF: 1.779)(Corresponding author)

[12]The effect of destination social responsibility on environmentally responsible behavior: Compared analysis of first-time and repeat tourists,Tourism Management, 2017, 60, 308-321.(SSCI, IF: 4.707)(First author)

[11]The effect of tourist relationship perception on destination loyalty at a world heritage site in China: The mediating role of overall destination satisfaction and trust,Journal of Hospitality & TourismResearch, 2017, 41(2), 180-210.(SSCI, IF: 2.646)(First author)

[10]How does perceived corporate social responsibility contribute to green consumer behavior of Chinese tourists: A hotel context,International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2017, 29(12), 3157-3176.(SSCI, IF: 3.196)(First author)

[9]Corporate social responsibility: Findings from the Chinese hospitality industry,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017, 34, 240-247.(SSCI, IF: 2.919)(First author)

[8]Influences of destination social responsibility on the relationship quality with residents and destination economic performance,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2017, 34(4), 488-502.(SSCI, IF: 1.975)(First author)

[7]The effects of perceived service quality on repurchase intentions and subjective well-being: The mediating role of relationship quality,Tourism Management,2016, 52, 82-95.(SSCI, IF: 3.140)(First author)

[6]Reputation and intentions: The role of satisfaction, identification, and commitment,Journal of Business Research,2016, 69, 3261-3269.(SSCI, IF: 2.129)(First author)

[5]The impact of perceived service fairness and quality on the behavioral intentions of Chinese hotel guests: The mediating role of consumption emotions,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,2016, 33, 88-102.(SSCI, IF: 1.741)(First author)

[4]Social responsibility and reputation influence on the intentions of Chinese Huitang village tourists: Mediating effects of satisfaction with lodging providers,International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2015, 27(8), 1750-1771.(SSCI, IF: 1.623)(First author)

[3]Effects of service fairness and service quality on tourist behavioral intentions and subjective well-being,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2015, 32(3), 290-307.(SSCI, IF: 0.695)(First author)

[2]Understanding the relationship of service fairness, emotions, trust, and tourist behavioral intentions at a city destination in China,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2014, 31(8), 1018-1038.(SSCI, IF: 0.695)(First author)

[1]Service fairness, consumption emotions, satisfaction and behavioral intentions: The case of the heritage tourism visitors,Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2013, 30(8), 786-805. (SSCI, IF:0.695)(First author)



[2]2015 MBAA International McGraw-Hill EducationDistinguished Paper Award: Marketing Management Association for “Understanding the Service Evaluation, Consumption Emotions, and Behavioral Intentions Relationship for Chinese Lodging Guests.”


[4]2016 Best Paper Award"Corporate social responsibility and green consumer behavior" in Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Fall 2016 Conference. Randiall Valentine (ed), Biloxi MS. P. 83.

[5]2016年论文《The effect of destination social responsibility on tourist environmentally responsible behavior: Compared analysis of first-time and repeat tourists》获第二届中国青年旅游论坛青年学者优秀论文一等奖(编号:ZGQNLYLT2016-1-001)。




[9]爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(工商管理, 管理科学与工程),2020- 2023。



[1]《Tourism Management》、《南开管理评论》等20余个SSCI和CSSCI期刊匿名审稿人(2009—)





